Sunday, July 26, 2009


i have like, the whooping cough.

and there has been nooo sleeping for me lately
just worrrrk and then i come homee
and then i go out and then i sleep for like 2 hours and then i workk

this summer has been..
good but so stressful
so eventful just like,
in lots of ways.
some good,
some bad.
soooooo busy, preparing for this trip.
this move!

evan is coming home tonight
then LMTC on thurs!

and goodbyes.

days till brasil: 13

Thursday, July 23, 2009

tired but hopefully not due to mono

just got home from shopping..
we bought sooooOooooOoOOo many dresses today ohh my god. if i try on another dress i'll barf.

but at least they are pretty.
they're all black & formal except for one that is zebra print so.. it is black & white. but still formal. i got some sick shoes, too. lots of heel and lots of buckles. yey

and new vegan birks!!

i am so tired and may or may not have mono.
please let me not have mono.
they will hate me if all i can do is sleep and be sick. they will be like this american girl is so boring.. she is always sleeping, and being sick.


counting down?

just finished making my blog. next step involves lots of tweaking. hopefully with the help of someone who understands blogging & blogs.. [kallie].

photo stolen from hayden
note to self: ask hayden if it's ok that i stole it

today's schedule revolves around the trip, and the fact that i'm sick.
bank, ortho, doctor, shopping for a dress & some fancy shoes?
there's a new bebe in carousel.. we're definitely hitting that up.

the only oatmeal in the house is like 90% fiber.
i guess i will just starve.

days until brasil: 16